Spotlight on Effective Coaching Techniques

Coaching Techniques

Coaching is regularly recognised as being one of the most beneficial approaches to personal development.  A CIPD study reported that 84% believed the coaching approach to personal development was effective when carried out by managers. However, 92% felt that external practitioner coaching was effective.

Finding the right coaching techniques to coach people is important to achieve these outcomes. Experienced coaches recommend a variety of self-development coaching techniques.

Coaching Techniques

One well-known example is the SMART technique. This is where the coachee works towards Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time framed goals. Another good technique for business coaching or personal coaching is the GROW model. This is another acronym, which stands for Goal, Reality (current reality), Options and Way forward. Yet another technique is the so-called “feedback sandwich”. This is where developmental feedback is given between two positive statements, making it more palatable. A self-development coach or business coach might also use psychometric assessment. You might ask, “Why use psychometric testing?”. The answer is that it can help get to the crux of underlying issues surrounding performance and personal life. The coach and coachee have a better chance of achieving results when the coach has a good understanding the personality of the coachee. All of these different coaching techniques can help in your self-development. They help you establish where you are now, where you want to be and how you can get there. It is helpful to use more than one technique as each approach has different benefits and some feed into others. For example, set SMART goals to provide an outcome that the GROW model can expand on. In addition, the best personal development coaches help their coachees to set self-development timescales. This is important because it ensures that you make progress within a set time frame. Rather than let the coaching drift on without achieving anything specific. This helps in the development of an effective coaching personal development plan.

The importance of an experienced self-development coach

Self-development and coaching is at its best when you have an experienced self-development coach. Trained self-improvement coaches are adept with the range of techniques of coaching. They know how to help people get motivated to change. Inexperienced coaches may make coaching errors. They might tell you what you should do. An experienced coach however will encourage you to think and reflect about what the best approach is. This does not help you learn the best approach for the future. Of course, experienced coaches will also have their experience to draw on, helping them to coach you more effectively. They know when you might be better off with a feedback sandwich or when you can take the feedback directly. This helps you to learn in a way that is tailored to your specific needs and is all about your personal effectiveness. Holst offers a range of different business coaching and self-development coaching solutions. We also offer psychometric assessment for improved understanding of areas of development. Contact us to find out more about how we can help.

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